
Teaching Objectives

The overall learning objectives of the POP 1578 programme is to support the development and advancement of social and verbal communication skills amongst your students (4-12 years) and their parents and carers whilst highlighting an important historical event in the city of Norwich.

The main objectives are to:

  1. Inspire with stories about Queen Elizabeth I’s visit to Norwich in 1578 and to support students’ language development and verbal communication skills.
  2. Raise awareness amongst parents and carers of their critical role in developing their children’s social and verbal communication skills.
  3. Develop confidence and enthusiasm amongst parents, carers and teachers in supporting their children as proficient communicators and independent learners.

School information and proposed timetable (.pdf)

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Enjoy a journey through history !

Children will:

  • Feel excited by real life events happening over 400 years ago.
  • Understand the processes putting on a major historical event in Norwich.
  • Get to know the characters involved and feel empathy with them by understanding their motivations and actions.
  • Be curious, ask questions and enjoy exploring the Elizabethan world.
  • Learn, understand and use new words, comprehension and styles of writing.
  • Remember sections of events, stories, elements from stories and whole stories.
  • Access and apply imagination and sometimes personal experience in understanding creating and telling stories and accounts of events.
  • Feel confident performing and/or joining in discussions about the events of Elizabeth I visit and how Norwich put on a pageant.
  • Understand and appreciate the process of the creation, documenting, storage and preservation of source documents.

Parent/Carers will:

  • Understand communication with their child and what it looks and feels like.
  • Recognise the importance of communication and its impact on a child’s learning.
  • Be aware of their roles as parents, role models and facilitators of the home learning environment.
  • Feel confident and enthusiastic in communicating through participation, play use of imagination and making personal connections.
  • Develop as confident parents, active communicators and facilitators of learning.
Create your own portrait at home

Teachers will:

  • Encourage new practice in the teaching of literacy.
  • Inspire interest in the history of Norwich and its stories and an understanding of how they can be used to support teaching and learning.
  • Inspire an appreciation and understanding of libraries and local archive centres.
  • Facilitate the development and aspiration of new skills around writing, immersive storytelling, object handling, music and movement.
  • Grow in confidence and skill in the teaching of literacy and history.